Home | Information for NE Fly-in @ KIWI Tomorrow

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Information for NE Fly-in @ KIWI Tomorrow

OK, I checked with FSS and they are predicting 2000′ overcast for early morning and the clearing up to 4000′ by 9am, then better as the day goes on. Winds 010@10 Winds on Mount Washington blowing 15 – 20 tomorrow, which usually means nice flying up the coast, if it’s blowing 35 or better then it’s usually a little bumpy, above 50 we stay on the ground, just our rule of thumb. Read on….KIWI runways 07 and 25

25 is RIGHT traffic and 7 is left traffic. There are power lines off 25, they are at 400′, if you follow the PAPI’s in you will be fine, I usually use them as my base. On Final 25 as you cross from the trees to the open field, before the road and runway there is usually a little sink, so just be ready to add a little power if needed.

I’m not sure what will be open for parking until I get there in the morning, but I’m sure we’ll be able to bunch up somewhere.

I’ll be out there around 9am.

I’ll have camera in hand and you’ll find a line of lime on the runway for spot landings.

If any one has any questions or problems, my cell is 207-557-3011, home is 207-563-5121 KIWI is 207-882-5475.

I’ll see you all at 10am.

