Home | June Fly In – Ellsworth AFB – Rapid City, SD

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June Fly In – Ellsworth AFB – Rapid City, SD

Ellsworth Air Force Base is hosting an open house on June 23, 2007, and YOU ARE INVITED TO FLY YOUR AIRPLANE IN!!

This fly-in is your chance to beat the airshow traffic and taxi right up to the show! Ellsworth is rolling out the red carpet to host our General Aviation pilots and present you with a chance to see what Ellsworth does. So here are the benefits:-Fly-in / Get a picture of your airplane in front of a B-1

-FAA Wings Safety seminar (before airshow – Welcome by 28 Bomb Wing Commander, -Ellsworth Mission brief, Mid Air Collision Avoidance, MOAs and you, GA flight safety topics)

Fly-in Pilots will be able to fly B-1 simulator

B-1 static – see the cockpit


Paperwork? I’ve got you covered. There will be one piece to fill out (DD2402). The form is included on the Ellsworth Open House web site. You simply fill it out and mail it to the address on the form. The form MUST BE RECEIVED BY ELLSWORTH PRIOR TO JUNE 21st!! Sign form in BLUE INK. NO insurance verification required. It’s as simple as name, address, aircraft data, and sign.

NO flight plan needed for arrival at Ellsworth BUT YOU MUST LAND BEFORE 9:30am because the base will be closed by NOTAM at 10:00 AM SHARP! Standard VFR and IFR ops. It’s just another /airport with a tower. You will need a radio. Handheld is OK. If you are going to bring in your replica of the Wright Flyer and need special handling – we’ll get you in.

The Open House website is up NOW. There is a page for GA pilots with Arrival Procedures, Frequently Asked Questions, and much more. All data will be posted there. Also, we are looking for antique / classic / homebuilt and other interesting aircraft for a GA showcase parking area.

ARRIVAL WINDOW: 1330-1530 ZULU (7:30am-9:30am MDT), Saturday, June 23.

Arrival Flow: Monitor Ellsworth A TIS 120.625 for Airfield data / Airshow Arrival Information. 30 NM from Ellsworth AFB (KRCA) contact the friendly folks at Ellsworth Approach 119.5. Inform them at you are “Airshow Inbound”. If unable contact at 30 NM, proceed inbound and re-attempt at 20NM. Approach will provide VFR flight following I sequencing for your arrival to Ellsworth AFB. IFR traffic please cancel IFR as soon as practical and proceed inbound VFR. You do not need to file a flight plan to land at Ellsworth AFB. Ellsworth Approach will assist you with vectors to enter the pattern from the EAST.

NOTE: BRING YOUR OWN CHALKS AND TOWBAR, TIEDOWNS ARE NOT AVAILABLE. If fueling is needed, please plan to get it elsewhere – Ellsworth AFB does not have Avgas or JetA. In the event of inclement weather we’ll tow GA airplanes into B-1 hangars.

Questions: call Dave Marten at 390-8044 or email david.marten@ellsworth.af.mil

For: BAC: Dave Marten can answer questions or direct questions to Bill Franklin 605-484-2685 or email wwf3730@gmail.com or bill.franklin@ellsworth.af.mil