Home | Where can I get the cluster instruments, fuel gauges, and fuel senders repaired or overhauled? By cluster instruments I mean the oil pressure gauge, fuel level gauge (or gauges), ammeter or amp meter, and oil temperature gauges. Search strings: In

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Where can I get the cluster instruments, fuel gauges, and fuel senders repaired or overhauled? By cluster instruments I mean the oil pressure gauge, fuel level gauge (or gauges), ammeter or amp meter, and oil temperature gauges. Search strings: In

Where can I get the cluster instruments, fuel gauges, and fuel senders repaired or overhauled? By cluster instruments I mean the oil pressure gauge, fuel level gauge (or gauges), ammeter or amp meter, and oil temperature gauges.
Search strings: Instrument repair, cluster gauge, cluster gage, cluster instruments, fuel gage, fuel transmitter.
More search strings: Fuel tank indications, fuel level indications, fuel quantity indications, fuel level gauges, fuel level transmitters, fuel level sensors, fuel level senders, fuel gauge sensors, fuel gauge transmitters, fuel gauge senders; fuel quantity indicators, fuel gage repair, fuel guage repair, fuel gage overhaul, fuel gauge overhaul

AirParts Of Lockhaven is one source for overhauls. They have done excellent work on the instruments and fuel senders I have seen. They have no website, but their contact info is below. Last I checked, they were charging $125 per individual gauge. Even if you don’t have all of them done, I would suggest sending them the cluster, and letting them R&R the problem gauge (it can be a bit tricky, and they usually have to be done in sequence from one end). Airparts often has a large backlog of work, so try to do this repair on a preventive rather than an emergency AOG basis.
Air Parts of Lock Haven, Inc. – 1-800-443-3117

You might be able to negotiate a better deal if you have the entire cluster done. That would be my recommendation, as only rarely are the fuel gauges and oil temp gauge within specs and reading correctly, unless they were recently repaired or replaced.

Two additional sources for this work have been found:

Keystone Instruments is also located in Lockhaven, at 570-748-7083. At least one source has opined that they are a “better” shop for this work; they are also often backlogged.
Keystone Instruments
320 Proctor Street
Lock Haven, PA 17746-9527
(570) 748-7083

Another source is Paul Malkasian at Fuelsenders.com; 360-683-6245.
Paul is largely unavailable in the first quarter of the year, as the company sets up shop at some seminars in Arizona from mid-January through the end of March. However, their phone will forward. If you have a turnaround emergency with AOG, and neither Airparts nor Keystone can take care of you, give Paul a try. Note that this outfit warrants their fuel sender (transmitter) repairs for life.