Home | Mark Miller Hangs Onto First Place in PT Race

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Mark Miller Hangs Onto First Place in PT Race

Mark Miller is still in first place in the PT race after the Petit Jean fly-in, followed closely by Bo Boggs.Dean Sikes jumped into third place with his 885 nm jaunt to the Gettysburg event. (He didn’t learn about the cancellation until after he departed for the event.)

That means all of the top three places are held by South Central Region members. The next closest is Chuz Chamberlain, RD from the Southeast Region, in fourth place.

BAC Fest will give folks from the Northeast and other hinterlands a chance to catch up. Of course there’s also Tom Corcoran’s event this month at PEI. That affords an opportunity for lots of PT points. I understand Mike Rellihan has his sights set on that one.