Home | May 14th Liberal Flyin

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

May 14th Liberal Flyin

Time is closing in on the Liberal Flyin. Below is a list of the current events:

Arrivals: Friday and Saturday

Call 800-550-3111 for shuttle service

Motel Check in: Best Western (800-550-3111)Saturday

8-9 am Breakfast

9-10 am shuttle to airport museum

10am-11:30 tour of museum

11:30-12:30 pizza

12:30-2 guest speaker(s)

2-4 pm maintenance clinic and awards.

Time is closing in on the Liberal Flyin. Below is a list of the current events:

Arrivals: Friday and Saturday

Call 800-550-3111 for shuttle service

Motel Check in: Best Western (800-550-3111)


8-9 am Breakfast

9-10 am shuttle to airport museum

10am-11:30 tour of museum

11:30-12:30 pizza

12:30-2 guest speaker(s)

2-4 pm maintenance clinic and awards.

I am planning on departing Saturday evening. Anyone can certainly stay if they would like.

Contact list:

Coordinator: Ray Seif (316-209-4532)

Motel: (800-550-3111)

FBO: (620-624-1646)


Lyddon FBO offered $0.15 discount per gallon, no ramp fees, slot in the maintenance hangar, and possible courtesy car.

The Museum offered a $1 discount on admission (tickets with the discount would be $3 for seniors, $4 for anyone else). The are also allowing us to use the theater for guest speakers.

Make your motel reservations now! Send me an email to confirm that you will attend. I hope to see great attendance and representation. The current guest speaker is Larry Magri, a retired Beech Engineer that worked on the Musketeer line.