Home | Membership Renewal Issues

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Membership Renewal Issues

Some of you have gotten your notices that it is time to renew your BAC membership. With the advent of the new website, we have been experiencing some difficulties with the PayPal and vBulletin interface. The problem is being addressed but no immediate fix has been found. Rest assured it will be solved but to be sure to keep your membership current and to maintain access to the website, there is an alternative to renewing your membership through PayPal.

You can do it the old-fashioned way by sending a check to BAC! Our reliable club Secretary/Treasurer Brad Mitchell routinely stops by the BAC post office box in lovely downtown Georgetown, KY for that very reason.

So, if you have trouble with your renewal through PayPal, just drop a check in the mail to:

Beech Aero Club
P.O. Box 899
Georgetown, KY 40324

We apologize for the problem. It is definitely being worked on and a fix is expected soon. We’ve proactively contacted members who we believe have been affected by the problem, but feel free to use the contact page to let us know if you have had problems.

Update from your Webmaster:

Most users have in fact been successful – we believe that the problem is mostly or exclusively tied to transactions that get “delayed”. This generally happens when you “fund” from your bank account versus a credit card or PayPal balance. We’re still researching details but non-delayed transactions (such as by credit card) seem to not be affected (at all or as much – still getting data). Rest assured nothing is lost or double billed, the affected transactions are failing to complete. If you pay and your membership date shows the extension then all is well. We’ll continue to monitor and contact affected users on a daily basis but hope for a quick resolution. If your transaction shows as pending please don’t pay a 2nd time, unless you want to extend for two years :-).