Home | Met-Co-Aire Wingtips

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Met-Co-Aire Wingtips

I called Met-Co-Aire on a Monday morning and the wingtips were on the porch Wednesday afternoon. (Note: They may not always have a set in stock.) Shipping was included, and they gave a BAC discount.

The workmanship looked good, and the outside was finished with a smooth white gel-coat. Although the old wingtips were also white, the person I spoke to at Met-Co-Aire suggested painting the new tips within about 6 months or they will turn a bit yellow. It won’t hurt them, they will just look a bit yellow.

I removed the old wingtips, marked the holes, and helped the mechanic hold things into position for marking and initial drilling . The mechanic who did most of the work knew what he was doing and had the right tools. He started at the leading edge and used Cleco fasteners to hold the wingtips in place as he worked his way back. Then he drilled the final size holes and made the final installation. They went on easily, fit perfectly, and look great even without paint.

I was charged for 6.5 hours labor, including an AI inspection of the main wing spar for corrosion, which was negative. The fit and finish are excellent, and the service from Met-Co-Aire was great as well. Carl Foster Sundowner 9761L Tucson Arizona

Submitted by Carl Foster
