Home | Mid May Fly In – Rapid City, SD – KRAP

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Mid May Fly In – Rapid City, SD – KRAP

This is the weekend – Mid-May- Fly-In (before the rates get to high) – Rapid City, SD come join us on Saturday May 12th. We’ll have lunch (burn some burgers & brats), tell some stories and we’ve had a request to fly Devils Tower (under 2 hrs round trip.) It’s a scenic flight so that sounds good. Mt. Rushmore is 15 minutes away by air (1 hour by car.) I’m hosting dinner for any who want to stay overnight. Let me know what I can do, arrange cars, hotels, WestJet Aero says parking is no problem and we have fuel on the ramp much cheaper than WestJet is offering. Weather can be anything from 3 inches of snow to about 85 degrees and sun. I will keep an eye on the forecast and keep you updated. Bill Franklin, N2309Q, wwf3730@gmail.com, cell – 605-484-2683. Friday arrivals sound good also, bring the family.