Home | Mojave MAintenance Clinic

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Mojave MAintenance Clinic

Mojave Maintenance Clinic

December 18th 2004

Agenda8:00am – 10:00am

Breakfast at the Voyager Restaurant

10:00am – Noon

FAR 43 Demonstration – Aircraft Lube – Wheel Bearings – Clean and Gap Spark Plugs

Noon – 1:00pm

Tour National Test Pilot School

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Tour Mojave Storage Yard

The Voyager Restaurant will be open from 7:00am to 1:00pm

Scaled Composites will not be open. I asked about a tour and they would have to bring someone in to show us around.

There are various types of aircraft around the field such as Mig-21, F-86, F-4’s, F-100, T-33 and others. We can walk around and look but please do not climb up on the aircraft. These are restored aircraft and the owners will let us take pictures as long as we respect their requests not to climb on them. Also, the airport is busy on the weekends so keep an eye out, You never know what you might see.

The Restaurant is located in the OLD tower building at the mid field point. Flight Research is located near the NEW tower at the east end of the field. Parking will be at Flight Research.

Mojave Tower is closed after 5:00pm every day and closed on weekends. CTAF is 127.6 The Unicom operator is there 24hrs for advisories on the weekends. Runway 8 in the most common runway in use. The last ¼ mile of the approach to runway 8 there is a large car dealership. This can produce turbulence on that segment of the approach so watch your speed.

Taxiway “E” is the only runway exit and is mid field. After you exit, you will be looking at the OLD tower building and the Restaurant and fuel station. Turn left on “C” and taxi east to the NEW Tower. The last building on the taxiway is the National Test Pilot School. Flight Research is next door.

Hope to see you there.

Jeff Bryant