Home | New Northwest Regional Director & Thom’s response and Greetings

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New Northwest Regional Director & Thom’s response and Greetings

Some of you may have noticed in the elections the northwest region did not have a candidate. Well that vacancy has been filled! Thom Smith of Union, Oregon was prevailed upon to put his name before the board for consideration. After due deliberation and a board vote…….Thom was elected and begins his duties immediately. If you reside in the northwest you should take the opportunity to contact Thom and get acquainted.

Good luck, Thom! We’re all behind you and we know you’ll do a fine job!


Added by Thom Smith:

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I’ll let time tell how I (we) did.

In that regard, I would like to invite all in the North West to drop me a line, either PM me here at BAC or email at thom@eoni.com. I would really love to hear what sort of events/fly-in activities the constituents would like to see. I have some ideas, and have been graciously offered the helping hand of Ben Auker (login – aukerinc) in Bend Oregon, to try to come up with some ideas, and implement them into fun events. Ben has some ideas for a fly-in to Bend, and I know there’s lots to do in that area there. Especially if you like micro brews as much as I do!!!! Obviously that means an over-nighter…… But your input will assure a better attended, and more memorable event. We have also discussed a nice airstrip at Nehalem Bay State Park (3S7) for a camping type fly-in. There there is access to bay and ocean activities. Lots of neat restaurants close by, but transportation could be a problem.

I know it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, and no doubt there will be some “pop-ups” happen just to get together when the weather looks great, but I would like to put some ideas out there.

I would love to host a Fly-in here at my home field. I am based in LaGrande Oregon (KLGD), in a big valley formed by the Blue Mountains of North East Oregon. Elevation is 2720′ . A beautiful area, but not a lot to offer beyond fishing, hunting, wilderness activities and the normal golf, ski, and recreational activities. Unless you like cow tipping. Lots of cattle and horses.

However, we do have some interesting destinations, such as a famous Bronze foundry (Manuel Family) at the old Hot Lake resort (formally the very first Mayo clinic), and at least one family winery close by. Tours/tasting could certainly be arranged if there was interest.

Our local A&P IA is also willing to hold some sort of maintenance clinic, and arrange for some minor repairs at little or no charge (in hopes of furthering his clientele). Obviously, what the members would like to see in the way of a clinic would depend largely on the sort of things that interest us, such as rigging, lube & maintenance, or whatever. Input is appreciated.

I make an awsome smoked prime rib, and that would have to be on a reservation type basis. And it takes a lot of time.

I have already arranged with two vendors to donate products that could be used as a door/raffle (free) prize. One would be a Flight planning bundle from Voyager. Not the freebie, but a full blown bundle. I for one would love that!

Another was an offer by Allison at LoPresti for some of their Knot Wax.

I am still looking for others.

I am in the process of working out with our new County manager a fuel discount, or outright gift of X number of gallons of fuel.

So……………Drop me a line, let me know more about you, and what you would like to see. ANY idea for a location, or event will be helpful. I know we don’t have the largest constituency in the club (appx 30 members in 5 states) , but we could surely make a dent in the books as far as what we accomplished if we pull together!

I look forward to hearing from, and meeting every member. Fly Safe!!!!!!!!!!

Thom Smith


1967 Super III

541-910-5643 cell

thom@eoni.com email