Home | New Site Coming This Weekend – Site Down March 6/7

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New Site Coming This Weekend – Site Down March 6/7

The Site Will Be Down This Weekend by Plan

Planning to Take Offline Just after 11p PST

We are still on track to do the site cutover this weekend. The final test site is up and looking good. The current plan is the old site will go offline at around 11p PST Friday/Saturday. We hope to have the new site online sometime after dinner (PST again) on Sunday.

See you all with a new look and new site but the same great people and all your posts and messsages Sunday Night.

Thanks for your patience…

All has come along. It isn’t perfect but it is about as good as it will get without being able to run with the new site software and move forward.

As part of this transition we are moving to dedicated hosting (ie: we will be on our own physical server in a “co-location” arrangement). The good news means we should see improved performance. The bad news is we own our own backup and hardware support. The co-location will be located in LA accessable to at least a couple of local members, but swapping out bad hardware will never be instantaneous. To address this we will always have a “warm” standby site ready on an alternate server in the event that we suffer a hardware failure.

We will also be rolling out a seperate issue tracking site using a software package called Jira. This will be hosted on a seperate server so that it can still be used if the main server is down. More on this will be forthcoming after the site cutover.

Thanks all and please post any final questions to the new forum topic at https://www.beechaeroclub.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=6502.

To faciliate all of this we’ve rolled out a “Dashboard” at www2.beechaeroclub.org. This page is hosted on Google Sites independently of all other club infrastructure so if you ever have questions or suspect an issue check out www2.beechaeroclub.org for status of sites. If there is an outage this dashboard page will provide links to alternate addresses to get at any temporary hosting without having to wait for DNS updates to cache out (which can take up to a day in typical usage).

Thank you for adding to the resources available for your Fellow BAC Members.