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>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

New Tool Policy

See updated tool policy at https://www.beechaeroclub.org/content.php/1621-Policy-on-Club-Tools-Revised

As promised, there is a new tool use policy in place. The Board of Directors found it necessary to change the rules with respect to the use of Beech Aero Club owned tools. The tool policy is outlined below.

The BAC tool rental program is ever evolving. Here is the current status: Consistent with the Bylaws, the Beech Aero Club has invested membership money to purchase specialty tools for the  utilization of active members on their personal aircraft. The purchase price of these tools, and the infrequent  requirement for use, make it impractical for the individual owner to justify their purchase.

The tools are not available to non-members or for commercial purposes.

An active member may allow the tool(s) to be used by their A&P mechanic for repairs to the member’s aircraft. The  tool(s) are also available directly to A&P mechanics for use on a member’s aircraft. If the aircraft owner is not  currently an active member, the club membership must be paid prior to shipping the tool.

These tools are made available at nominal charges to, or on behalf of, active members. The charges are to cover the  cost of repair and depreciation of the tool(s). The tools and charges are enumerated below.

The active member or their A&P shall provide an aircraft N-Number along with the request for the use of the tool(s).  Prior to shipment, the charges for the use of the tool and the out-bound shipping must be paid. The active member  using the tool(s) shall have use for thirty (30) days and shall return the tool(s) timely for use by other active  members. If the active member has a delay in repairs and use of the tool(s), that active member shall, before  expiration of his thirty (30) days of use, request an additional thirty (30) days.

These tools are positioned in various regional locations to help keep the cost of shipping as low as possible. The  member is responsible for return shipping on the tool(s). In the event that another member has reserved the tool  for subsequent use, the tool may be shipped directly to that member. It is then their responsibility for shipping back  to the tool holder. Shipper will insure the tools for a value of $900.

Members are encouraged to schedule the tools and necessary work to minimize the holding time on the tool(s).

Tools Member Rate

Pneumatic Jo-Bolt Tool Kit* $30.00 + shipping
Donut Freeze Comp $30.00 + shipping
Donut No Freeze Comp $30.00 + shipping
Jack Pads $30.00 + shipping
Sierra MLG Comp $30.00 + shipping

If a member/shipper does not insure the tools and if tools are lost or not returned, the member/shipper will be responsible  for the tools value to be paid to the Club as follows:

Pneumatic Tool – $2500.00
Fixed gear donut compression tool – $100.00
Retract gear donut compression tool – $300.00
Jack Pads – $150.00
Pneumatic Tool tip adapter – $15.00

*A Kit includes the pneumatic tool, jack pads and donut compression tool. Rental is $30 plus shipping to member and return  shipping to tool holder per kit, each kit will consist of a combination of freeze or no freeze compression fixtures, jack pads,  and pneumatic JO Bolt tool or tool tip depending upon aircraft model and the methodology the A&P intends to employ.

– We currently have three sets of tooling for pre-compression of the fixed-gear or retract gear donuts. There is a different set for each type; shipping costs are currently $30.00 plus insurance with replacement of any lower for the fixed-gear set, as it is several pounds lighter. The retract set has thicker end-plates, and is designed to compress the eight heavier donuts used on the Sierras for the main gear. You to keep the compressed set for the second main gear frozen, while you work on the first main gear leg. The nose gear set, and the main gear sets for the fixed-gear planes, also get pre-compressed as complete sets of eight donuts.*Kit includes pneumatic tool, jack pads and donut compression tool. Rental is $30 plus shipping to member and return  shipping to tool holder per kit, each kit will consist of a combination of freeze or no freeze compression fixtures, jack pads,  and pneumatic JO Bolt tool or tool tip depending upon aircraft model and the methodology the A&P intends to employ.

– We have a professional pneumatic Jo-Bolt setting tool, if you have compressed air available.
– We have a hand tool for setting Jo-Bolts. It costs less to rent and ship. It is a bit harder to get a tight set on the Jo-Bolts with this tool, especially if the bolt hole has been slightly worn due to loose fasteners. This tool has been successfully used for may years by many mechanics, and is capable of producing good work when properly used. Unfortunately, the success rate for a good Jo-Bolt ‘set’ is much lower with the hand tool than with the air tool.

Michael Dunlevie manages the tool sets in the USA and there is one tool set that Bruce Byer manages in Canada. The fixed-gear fixture kit includes the Jo-Bolt pneumatic tool, and three donut compression fixtures. The Retract kit includes a nose gear compression fixture and two main gear compression fixtures, plus a wrench for the MLG stack tube nut.

If you need to use one of the tools, contact one of the tool holders directly or your Regional Director and they will be able to steer you to the contact person.

USA Tool Manager is Michael Dunlevie
Canada Tool Manager is Bruce Byer