Home | North Central Regional Director Needed

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North Central Regional Director Needed

The current North Central Regional Director, Candy Gooderum has tendered her resignation. Candy took the bold step in light of the very strong possibility she would be relocating to a new home that is outside the regional boundaries. The BAC Bylaws stipulate that at a regional director must live within the region and…..knowing that, Candy felt that it was better to resign now and give someone else the opportunity to take over the regional directorship as soon as possible in the term.

So, Candy’s resignation was sadly accepted and we are in search of a volunteer to take over the position. The Bylaws describe the responsibilities as follows: “The Regional Director shall be responsible for organizing fly-ins and other events and reporting on these events to the Newsletter Editor.”

There are quarterly conference calls that the Regional Directors participate in and other minor duties consisting mostly of helping members in the region and answering questions from members.

We’d like to get a volunteer as quickly as possible. The Board of Directors will vote on the issue when all the names are in. So, now’s the time to step up and help BAC and your fellow members if you live in the region. The states in the North Central region are: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota.

Best of luck to Candy and the upcoming relocation.

(If interested, email chris@beechaeroclub.org)