Home | North Central Spring BBQ Fly-In – May 15 at KAMW

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North Central Spring BBQ Fly-In – May 15 at KAMW

BAC member Tom Lambert is graciously hosting a Spring BBQ Fly-in at Ames, Iowa. We will meet at KAMW at 10:30 AM on May 15 , and then Tom will transport us to the Hickory Park Restaurant for a BBQ lunch.

If you are planning on attending, please RSVP by email to Dave Gribble (North Central Regional Director) at dave.gribble@mchsi.com

If you have never been to Hickory Park, it is well worth a visit. It is locally famous for BBQ and ice cream.

I can’t wait to see you all there!

About Hickory Park:
Hickory Park Restaurant Co. currently resides in its third location in Ames. Hickory Park was established in 1970, and since its inception has become an Ames tradition! Hickory Park’s reputation has flourished from an expansive menu filled with a variety of hickory smoked meats served in generous portions. There is certainly something for everyone with over 100 menu selections. Your placemat is filled with old fashioned parlor sundaes, so make sure you stay for the ice cream!
