Home | Northeast Beats The Weather (Pix in Gallery)

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Northeast Beats The Weather (Pix in Gallery)

We finally did it! We outfoxed the Weather Gods. (Of course they are going to clobber us tonight and tomorrow.) The “Up The IRS” Fly-In at Westfield, MA was a success. We had 5 A/C, 9 attendees, and 3 non-BAC guests.

I want to thank everyone who managed to get here for making this a good start to the year for Northeast Region. Now to set up a regular plan of events. Who wants to host the next one? It’s easy, we have a “Fly-In Kit”. It includes, well, me. But all that means is: just call me and I’ll help you put it together. Not hard at all. Look at me; I pulled this one off even though I forgot the potato salad!!

Thanks, friends, see you again soon,

Steve Cote
