Home | Northeast Fly-In at Sugarloaf Regional in Maine

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Northeast Fly-In at Sugarloaf Regional in Maine

Coming up real soon is our next BAC Northeast Fly-In at Sugarloaf Regional Airport in Carrabassett Valley, Maine. (B21)

The schedule of events will be similar to our other fly-ins. Arrive somewhere around 10:00 – 10:30. The grill will be going from about 12:00 to about 1:00 with dogs, burgers, chicken, etc.We are also piggybacking this fly-in with another event. The folks at Maine Instrument Flight in Augusta will be having a “fly-out” to Sugarloaf on the same day. So we will likely see a good portion of their Beech fleet joining us for lunch. They have four Sports and two Sierras that belong to the FBO and we will likely see a few of them. There are also a couple of Sundowners based on the field there and those owners will likely join us too.

The Sugarloaf airport is one of those “must visit” airports… just look at the picture:

So come one, come all to the beautiful western mountains of Maine!