Home | Northwest Region plans BEECH DAY fly-in – joint w/ Bonanza Club

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Northwest Region plans BEECH DAY fly-in – joint w/ Bonanza Club

Information for BeechDay found at planning meeting at Vista Field – Kennewick WA – Saturday May 21Your NorthWest Regional Director and his lovely Co-Pilot Ann flew to Kennewick to meet with BEECH DAY host and hostess Chep and Kay Gantt, the entire Gantt family, the FBO operator Ben Tuttle, and several of the other members of the Beech Day staff.

First, we had to break in the new Gantt Farms BBQ Grill – it worked perfectly and produced some great Hamburgers and Dogs!

Then, everybody had a look at our great Beech Aero Club banner – they were VERY impressed! (See the very first pictures ever taken of this banner in the photo archives!)

Then, we got down to planning the event.

Date: June 4

Location: Vista Field (S98)

Arrival time for staff: 0800

Start of fly-in: 0900

Food cooking: 11:30AM to 1PM

Hanger flying: ALL DAY

Departure: 3PM

Vendors & Sponsor Displays: MedStar PC-12, NEW Bonanza from Woodland Aviation, Sacramento, tools from Bogert International, Skipper (BE-77) from Bergstrom Aircraft flight school (Tri-Cities Airport- just across the river) New and Used Avionics from Interavionics of Pasco) and MANY more!

Also, tables will be available for an impromtu ‘fly-market’ if you have something to sell or trade…

We have on-field parking for 50-60 planes, so be early if you want a place – be sure to bring your own tie-down ropes. If all spaces are full, we will be able to run over to Pasco with a van.

A VERY special commemerative hat and t-shirt will be available in limited quantities – but they are GREAT!

If any of you are planning to stay over before or after, I’m making arrangements in Walla Walla (ALW) since the Tri-Cities is booked up for a State Track Meet!

Vista is adjacent to a VERY large Mall, and transportation back and forth is planned for those feeling the need to shop!

Plus, then we could have our own BAC time on Saturday evening.

Get your names in to me ASAP – we need to have a good showing – this is ‘us’ vs. ‘them!’

Contact me thru BAC or bhoward@bmi.net

Bill Howard

NorthWest Regional Director