Home | Omaha Airplane Supply (Booooo Hisssssss)

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Omaha Airplane Supply (Booooo Hisssssss)

WARNING! Not a good place to do business. A company is judged by how they handle problems in my view and my experience with this company has not been good.

I ordered three hoses from them for an upgrade project. One of a #3 hose 24″ long, Teflon with integral fire sleeve. Two #5 hoses 6″ long, Teflon with integral fire sleeve. My closing statement to the owner of the place was “I want all lines to be Teflon with integral fire sleeve. Well, the #3 line showed up and it was Aeroquip 303 hose and no fire sleeve. The other two lines were as ordered. I called Harold back and explained the situation and asked that he make the other line as ordered and give me credit for the wrong line I was sending back to him. He agreed and said it would be a few days, but it would be on the way as soon as they could get it made up. I sent the wrong line back and waited.

A few days later I’m checking my credit card bill and sure enough I see a new charge from them for $178.58. After I picked myself up off the floor I called them to find out why so much for this line. I had used Aircraft Spruce as a price guideline and I could order it from them for $64.10.

My first call I got Ed, the shop foreman who was as rude as any person I have ever dealt with. His statement that drove me to action was ” I appreciate you screwing up my inventory with all this line switching you are doing.” I explained to the jerk that I had placed a proper order and that the mistake was made on their end. All I did was ask that my order be corrected and I be charged a fair and reasonable price for the products I ordered. This call did not go well at all and ended when I said that if they could not do such simple things as fill my order correctly and at a fair price, I would have to take my business some place else. His reply was “well, good luck to ya.”

After my blood pressure came back down to normal, I called the credit card company and disputed the charges, then called the airport to have the shop refuse the shipment when it arrived, then called back to speak to Harold (the owner). I explained the situation of the mix up to him and he remembered taking the orders. I asked how his prices could be so much different and if he had given me credit on the line I sent back. I provided him with the tracking number of the package I sent back and the name of the person who signed for the package. (he acknowledged the name as being his employee) When I told him I could order the parts from Spruce for under $70.00 and asked how it was so much more from him his response was “they can’t be making a profit at that price.” I said I am not unreasonable and do not expect him to work for nothing. If he can not meet the price I understand, but his price is way out of line by comparison and asked him to check the price to be sure it is correct. He noted that I was not given the wholesale price discount I was given on the original order and that he was not sure if I had been credited for the returned line. To Harold’s credit he took my information and said he would check this out and get back to me today. This is when I told him about my conversation with Ed. I told Harold that were Ed working for me, he would be walking down that road, kicking that rock, scratching that un-employed ass this morning after the way he talked to me.

I’m waiting for the call back and will update this review after I get that call. For now, I’d say that BAC members would do well to avoid this company. Randell Hendricks N282L Beech Sport driver

Submitted by Randell Hendricks
