Home | Power Flow Systems Sundowner Update

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Power Flow Systems Sundowner Update

Latest Power Flow Systems update on their C23 project.

This has been added to the Forum topic as well.

Latest Power Flow Systems update on their C23 project.


Our Sundowner is now down for the new cam. The old one really was badly worn. We don’t expect to go flying in it again for about a month, as we are taking the opportunity to have the bottom end overhauled.

(Ed. Note: PFS expects to further refine official performance gains associated with the exhaust system once they have the plane flying with the rebuilt engine.)

We have tested all three pants, and the performance is good… around seven or eight mph gain, plus improved ROC and glide. We have also tested everything for controllability, and it has worked out fine. We have done stalls in all configurations including spin entries, and all the handling requirements are met. The next phase will be the FAA application and testing, and I have no way of telling how long that will take.

So in terms of news, all I can offer is that everything is proceeding well, and we expect to be able to show it all in August. (at BAC Fest in Wichita-Ed.)