Home | President’s Trophy

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

President’s Trophy

The President’s Trophy is so named because I intend to win it. It will be awarded annually at the BAC National Convention starting in 2006 to the Member who flew the most miles in the previous year to and from BAC fly-ins. We will have a passport that will have to be punched at each fly-in. Members will have to list their home airport and the airport of the fly-in. You will get credit for twice the distance between the airports as calculated by AirNav (www.airnav.com). The Member will have to sign the passport certifying the distance and the host of the fly-in will have to sign certifying that the member attended. Running standings will be posted on the BAC website. The Members will be responsible for reporting their attendance to the Regional Directors who will be responsible for reporting results to the Webmaster. Maybe we’ll have a Runner-Up award for the guy that finishes just behind me. Look forward to seeing you at BAC fly-ins next year.
