Home | President’s Trophy Rules

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

President’s Trophy Rules

The President’s Trophy will be awarded annually at BAC Fest to the BAC member that accumulated the most President’s Trophy (PT) points during the previous calendar year. In 2008, a second President’s Trophy award was created to recognize the BAC member who attends the most BAC fly-in events during the calendar year. All members are eligible except the club president.PT points will be awarded only to BAC members that attend a PT event and report their miles to the event host/organizer or the appropriate Regional Director. (rev. 01/24/2009)

PT National events shall be BACFest, Sun-n-Fun, Oshkosh and Beech Party plus any BAC event that meets the following criteria:

  • The event must be sponsored by a BAC member.
  • The event must be posted on the BAC calendar a minimum of 5 days prior to the event.
  • The event must be coordinated with the appropriate BAC Regional Director.
  • The event organizer/host must compile the PT points as received and report them to the appropriate Regional Director.
  • A BAC member may sponsor an event in conjunction with an event sponsored by another organization but the above criteria must be met.
  • PT points will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Attending BAC members who fly their own planes will receive one point for each nautical mile flown directly from their home base to the event location. Additional waypoints, side trips or other stops will not add additional miles to the route.
  • Attending BAC members who fly together in a BAC member owned aircraft are allowed to split the points based on actually PIC time as agreed upon by the members.
  • Attending BAC members who do not fly their own plane but reach a qualifying event by any other mode of transportation (non-member’s plane, walking, driving, taking a bus, train, taxi or commercial flight, etc.) will receive one-half point for the nautical miles direct (straight line) distance from their home base to the event location.
  • If the final landing is in the vicinity of the event airport but not precisely at the site of the fly-in, points will be awarded based on the distance from the member’s home base to the airport at which the member lands.
  • BAC members attending a BAC fly-in at their home field will be awarded one point.
  • All mileage calculations are straight line miles from the home base to the event.
  • Bonus PT points will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Organizing/Hosting a qualifying event will earn the host 100 bonus PT points.
  • Members may organize/host as many events as they wish but only three (3) events will qualify for bonus PT points. (i.e. 300 bonus PT points per year is the maximum bonus points a member can earn)
  • Qualifying events are not required to occur at the organizer/host’s home field.
  • The organizer/host will receive the bonus points if s/he is unable to attend the event.
  • Bonus points may be split if more than one person is involved in the organizing and hosting of the event as long as the members agree.

    The source for the nautical mile distance between the airports shall be www.AirNav.com for all the airports in the USA.

  • An alternate source approved by the President may be used for airports outside the USA.

    If there are more than two member pilots in a member owned plane, PT points may be awarded to each member pilot for the PIC time that member pilot flew. All member pilots must agree to the appropriate PIC time and submit their miles flown to the organizer/host. The home base of the airplane used will be the starting point for mileage calculations.

    Reporting mileage is as follows:

  • Attending BAC members must report the nm flown to the host of the event within 7 days after the event. It will be the president’s discretion to allow points to count if the mileage is reported after the 7 day timeframe has lapsed.
  • Organizer/host will confirm attendance, compile the information and forward the data to the appropriate Regional Director.
  • Regional Directors will be responsible for reporting the mileage to the President.