Home | Projected Ramp Pictures – BEECH DAY

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Projected Ramp Pictures – BEECH DAY

Found a good pix of what BEECH DAY might look like if I don’t hear from more folks! It’s just around the corner – week from tomorrow! Here’s a pix of how BEECH DAY MIGHT look

Don’t wait! Get ready for Beech Day – June 4!

So far – have Yes from:

Mick Nordeen

Ray Griffin

James Sellers

Ron Sellers

Larry Tanneberg

Dave Wyatt (Musketeer Mail)

AND Cathy Bogert – MORE on this later!


Richard Norton


Fred Kiesel

Don McNamara

Bob Gresli (Skipper – Musketeer Mail)

Not this time – Sorry!:

Bill DiPasquale

Glen Fuqua (working on Sportsman Field later in the summer)

Ray Seif (May make it at last minute)

George Mahon

Gary Percy (MM Mail and Arlington Musketeers)


NorthWest Regional Director!