BACFest 2010 in San Antonio, Texas! – Register Here.

Periodically Updated Attendee List Here
Associated Forum Fly-In Thread Here
We are staying at the La Quinta Convention Center, 303 Blum Street, (pets are welcome), one block from the Alamo, half a block from the Riverwalk and across the street from Rivercenter Mall. San Antonio is an exciting and beautiful city and they have even set up a web site just for us!
Point your web browser to:
Make reservations early by calling La Quinta central reservations at 866-527-1498 (request Beech Aero Club or 2010 BACFest). Room rates are $99 for king or double queen, and $119 for suites. The direct phone number in San Antonio is 210-222-9181, option 6 for front desk, group reservations.
Activities: Registration and welcome reception on Thursday; Friday will include Aviation Day at Stinson Municipal Airport; Saturday will feature Member and Spouse luncheons and our Evening Banquet.
Registration fee is $85 per person for members and their guests ($170 per couple). Non-member rate is $110 per person. After October 1, registration will increase by $25 per person. Register on the BAC web site (coming soon) and pay by credit card using PayPal. Or register on the web site and mail your check to Beech Aero Club, PO Box 899, Georgetown, KY 40324.
Registration and Payment is working. Go to the BACFest 2010 Registration Page.
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