Home | Rodent Roundup raises the bar for all BAC flyins

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Rodent Roundup raises the bar for all BAC flyins

The full story on the Fort Worth Rodent Roundup is now available for you to read in the Flight Ops Discussion Forum. Photos are loaded in the South Central Fly In folder under ‘Rodent Roundup’. Check out the photos and find out what weighs approximately the same as a fully loaded Musketeer…

I’m going to go ahead and claim that Mark Miller’s Rodent Roundup broke records and raised the bar for future BAC flyins. (I’ll leave it to the rest of you to knock me back down to earth if need be…). Rodent Roundup was 2 flyins in one day. Flyin #1 was at the Vintage Flying Museum located on the field at FTW (Meecham field). It was attended by 5 aircraft and 2 car loads of folks. Flyin #2 was located at Hicks Fields. The 5 musketeers flew over to Hicks (a whole fuel gulping 7 miles), where they were joined by 5 more Musketeers. We were also joined by an unsuspecting Sport that was tied down at the other end of the airport, but were counting it. So that is 11 Musketeers total, 2 BAC members that drove in by car.

I believe we also may have set a record for the most Contential powered Musketeers gathered together since they were sitting side by side at the factory. If memory serves, we had 4 today.

I will be posting the full story (and everyones names) to the discussion fourms, and pictures will go in the photo gallery. Special thanks goes to Mark Miller for all the work he put into hosting the event, and everyone who came out to support the type.

Jay Bruce

South Central Regional Director, Beech Aero Club (BAC)