Home | Savvy Owners Seminar – Mike Busch – 2007 Schedule

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Savvy Owners Seminar – Mike Busch – 2007 Schedule

I have pasted in the SOS schedule for 2007 (in the extended text). I have not been successful in arranging for an abbreviated version for a BAC Fly-In event. However, you can get both early sign-up discounts, and companion discounts. Perhaps the Regional Directors can arrange for a BAC group to attend some of these seminars, and average out the costs.—–Original Message—–

From: Mike Busch [mailto:mike.busch@savvyaviator.com]

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 12:24 AM

To: Michael Rellihan

Subject: 2007 Savvy Owner Seminar class schedule

My seminar schedule for 2007 has just been posted to the Savvy Aviator website at http://www.savvyaviator.com/schedule.html

Please note that I’ve scheduled only about half as many classes in 2007 as I did in 2006, because I want to free up time to work on some other important projects. Due to the reduced schedule, I suggest you sign up early if you are interested in attending any of these classes.


Nov 18-19 Las Vegas, NV (VGT)


Feb 24-25 Ft Lauderdale FL (FXE)

Mar 3-4 Dallas TX (ADS) [Superior Air Parts tour]

Jun 2-3 San Francisco CA (CCR)

Jun 23-24 Cincinnati OH (I69) [Sporty’s Pilot Shop]

Jun 30-Jul 1 Frederick MD (FDK) [Avemco Insurance Co.]

Sep 8-9 Boston MA (OWD)

Sep 15-16 Atlanta GA (FFC)

Oct 27-28 Albuquerque NM (ABQ) [Eclipse Aviation tour]

Nov 3-4 Tulsa OK (RVS) [Powermaster Engines tour]

Dec 1-2 Los Angeles CA (VNY)

SEMINAR NOTES: Advance reservations required for all of these seminars. They often sell out well well in advance of the class date, so it’s a good idea to register early…not to mention that you’ll receive a $50 early sign-up discount if you register at least 45 days before the class start date. If you register early and wind up having to cancel, your seminar fee will be refunded or transferred to another class. (See cancellation policy at http://www.savvyaviator.com/cost.html for details.)

Full details of the seminar are available at http://www.savvyaviator.com/ along with secure on-line signup and feedback from numerous owners who have taken the course.



Michael D. Busch, A&P/IA


URL: http://www.savvyaviator.com/

Email: mike.busch@savvyaviator.com