Home | SE Fly-in at Fantasy of Flight (FA08), Polk City, Florida

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SE Fly-in at Fantasy of Flight (FA08), Polk City, Florida

Saturday 26 February 2005, be there! Read on for Agenda, Arrival/Departure Procedures, NOTAMS, guidelines, rates, etc!Agenda: Eastern Zulu

Arrival: 0900 – 0945 1400 – 1445

Welcoming Remarks 1000 1500 In front of Compass Rose Diner

Tickets / Business

Orientation Lecture

Back Lot Tour: 1130 1630

Lunch — Compass Rose Diner

Shift 1 1245 1745

Shift 2 1315 1815

Restoration Shop Tour 1345 1845

Aircraft of the Day 1500 2000

Closing / Departure 1615 – 1700 2115 – 2200

Or time of your choosing prior to closing

Fantasy of Flight Closes 1700 2200

Arrival / Departure Procedures:

Fantasy of Flight coordinates N 28 10? W 81 48.5? Field elevation 139? msl.

Fantasy of Flight?s runways are 5000? and 2600? long.

Full length of runway 31/13 closed for take-off and landings.

Radio Frequency ? 122.75


Runway 4 right-hand pattern.

This is the preferred runway to eliminate back taxi down the runway to parking

Runway 22 Left-hand pattern. Back taxi to intersection, right turn to parking


The preferred runway is 22. If runway 4 is used aircraft will back taxi in groups of five.


Guest aircraft parking is on the southeast end of CLOSED runway 13/31.

Inclement Weather or other cancellations: Pilots are responsible for securing aircraft, tie downs, and providing for their own alternate arrangements and transportation in the case of emergency of bad weather, etc. Fantasy of Flight will not make these arrangements nor will be held responsible.


1. Lighted tower ¾ mile west of Runway 4 threshold.

2. Vehicle parked in the intersection of the runways indicates the airport is CLOSED to arrivals and departures.

3. Avoid flying over the houses along the lakeshore and the trailer park adjacent to Fantasy of Flight.

4. Runways remain hard after heavy rain, however braking is poor and it will spray your airplane with mud.

5. All pilots must be personally insured, hold current pilot certificate, and current medical.

6. Fantasy of Flight is a private airfield. Permission to land at Fantasy of Flight is mandatory and will be granted only by following the guidelines.

7. No fuel, maintenance, or tie downs are available at Fantasy of Flight. The nearest full service FBO?s are at Winter Haven and Lakeland.


$24.95/Adults/Seniors (plus tax).

$13.95 for children ages 5-12 (plus tax).

Safety is always the most important consideration.

Have a safe Fly-In