Home | Several Snipits of BAC News

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Several Snipits of BAC News

Several newsworthy items have transpired over the last few days that I wanted to let people know about.Earlier this week the BAC Board authorized the purchase of a pneumatic jo-bolt tool to be put into the BAC tool rental program. Those of you that attended BAC Fest saw Ashley Palmer demonstrate the use of the tool. We don’t have the tool yet and haven’t worked out the procedures or logistics of letting members use it but that will come. We already have a set of jack pads.

Along the same lines Mike Rellihan told me that he has or is in the process of making a set of donut compressors for both the fixed and retract gear planes. These are used to pre-compress the donuts prior to installation. These will be made available to members.

It is likely that we will identify and purchase other special purpose tools that we’ll make available to members.

Also today the Board approved the appointment of Ashley Palmer as Technical Director. Ashley has been heading up the STC Group working on the shoulder harness STC and now will also be the Technical Director.

Mike Rellihan told me that BAC has sold two spar repair kits. It was reported earlier that BAC had purchased strategic spares that would be made available to members. These kits have likely saved one member’s plane from salvage. We will post the other spares that are available.

What has BAC done for you lately?