Home | South Central Fly In

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South Central Fly In

Rooms have been reserved, the weather is SEVERE CLEAR, so if you are on the fence wondering about dropping in. Wonder no more. Come on out and meet some of the guys you trade emails with every day. Find out for yourself that there are others like you out there. People that know these planes are easy to fly, built like a tank, and have the best visiblity of any low wing planes out there. It is time to get away from your regular airport crowd, you know the ones that will tell you that these planes are hard to fly, crazy expensive to work on, and generally not worth your time.So, come on up to Gastons (3 Mike Zero, 3M0) on the White River in Arkansas for the first ever South Central BeechAeroClub / MusketeerMail Fly In. Some people are planning to be in town on Friday, others on Saturday. Officially, we are meeting around Lunch Time on Saturday, but I think that most planes will be in the area long before that.

There are several sources for information about the meeting area:


www.beechaeroclub.org (photos section, discussion forms, and news announcements)

musketeermail – recent posts.



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