Home | Southeast Fly-In [Suggestions]

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Southeast Fly-In [Suggestions]

Howdy SE Gang – It’s been a while since you heard from me. First, I would like to thank you all who trusted me for the position of Southeast Regional Director. I am much obliged. Also, I will be bidding farewell to you all soon. I have been very busy learning to fly big planes. Among all this, I also passed my ATP checkride. Pressure was immense, but a skygod like me skated right through (hahaha……..). OK enough about me. Let’s meet for a Fly-In. I was at ORL all last week, saw 2 Musketeers on the ramp. I hope both owners are BAC members.

I am soliciting ideas for our SE Fly-In location. We haven’t done a Central Florida fly-in yet. I am very interested in a Fly-In at Orlando Executive (ORL) or at Orlando Sanford (SFB). I am from Orlando area and might be able to arrange for some oyster bar or a fish camp to hang out at if you all like that sort of thing. Ocala is another good spot, decent restaurant on the field with good looking waitress. How about Jacksonville, Saint Augustine area or Tallahassee?

SE Gang, do you remember that Bill Howard from NE vowed to have a monthly fly-in. Wonder what happened to that idea. Now, ole Billy is suggesting fly-ins for us. Emh.. someone better show him where the Mason-Dixon line starts. I would love to see Sundowners in known icing conditions though. I hear Boston is wonderful this time of the year. Here’s the deal, anyone from NE is welcome to SE fly-ins, but they’ll have to eat a big bowl of grits upon arrival to SE Fly-In.

Let’s plan a February Fly-In.


Oz Iftikhar


1982 Sundowner