Home | Southwest Fly-In

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Southwest Fly-In

Just 12 more Days. I will be watching the weather channel on the 3rd of November. If the forecast looks bad for the weekend, I will post a notice. On the 4th if things do not look any better, I will post a cancellation notice and will re-schedule the fly-in. This will give plenty of time to canceled any reservation you have made at Sedona.BUT, we are a positive group. They say there is a Vortex of Energy at Sedona so lets use it. Go the Sedona website that was provided by Carl Foster, Click on the LIVE WEB CAM and channel your positive energy through your internet connection. We want all weather to stop off the coast of California for that weekend. (Just me thinking of the South Central fly-in on the same day).

Special Note to Bill Howard: I nominated you for the Northwest Fly-In Coordinator. I asked to see a show of hands and guess what. I saw everyone raise there hands. So, when you get something together let me know, I will be there. (How’s that for pressure).

Anyway, I have planned a Maintenance Clinic for December 11th at Mojave. I have enlisted some help from Flight Research Inc. We will be getting some things together over the next month for the clinic and I will keep everyone posted as to what’s happening.

Until later,

Jeff Bryant

1975 Sport “160”
