Home | Sun-n-Fun

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)


Sun-n-Fun is just around the corner. We hope many of you will try to make it, especially those east of the big river. If you are planning on coming to the event, please give some of your time. We want to make a big effort this year at the Type Club area to introduce Beechcraft owners to our club. (click for more)Please do a search for “BAC tent at Sun-n-Fun” for the schedule. Even if you can only help for an hour, that will be appreciated. We are trying for two hour shifts at the booth. This is a chance to meet others and talk about YOUR club and YOUR plane. Please give of your time to help your club have a very successful year at the airshow. You can email me at doug dot muse at gmail dot com to add your name to the schedule.

Thanks you so much.