Home | ‘Teaser’ from Cathy Bogert – BEECH DAY discounts?

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

‘Teaser’ from Cathy Bogert – BEECH DAY discounts?

Been waiting to get that new Bogi-Bar at ‘better than BAC’ discount? Read on!Here’s what I got from Cathy Bogert: Bogert International will be at BEECH DAY with bells on!

The Bogi-Bars for the Musketeer/Sundowner and Bonanza will be on display.

Our vertical gear jack will be available as well as a few other items useful to Beechcraft owners.

I bet you’re wondering if there is a discount on orders placed the day of the event…. hum… I am still working on that. I guess you’ll need to fly in to find out!

We will have limited stock on hand.

Demonstrations will be conducted throughout the day.

Looks like it will be a great day for a BBQ!

CU there – Cathy!

Note: I posted pix of the Bogi-Bar and Bogert Jacks (and Richard Bogert, too) in the Member Photos – “Bogi-Bars and More!”