Home | Technical Director Vacancy

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Technical Director Vacancy

Ashley Palmer has resigned her position of Technical Director. Due to the demands of a new job and relocation she is unable to continue in that role. The Board is seeking interested members to step forward.If you’re interested in the position, please let the Board know by sending an e-mail to the board. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, what you’d like to do as Technical Director.

One of the projects the Technical Director has undertaken has been the development of a shoulder harness STC for the older planes. This will requires skills in many areas: design, fabrication, technical writing, dealing with the FAA, etc. This is not a one person task. So if you’re interested in helping out in any phase of the project but don’t want to be the Technical Director please let us know.

We’d like to fill this position at the April Board meeting so let us know your interest by the end of March.