Home | Uncle BAC is Looking for a Few Good Men (and Women)

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Uncle BAC is Looking for a Few Good Men (and Women)

I’m trying to recruit volunteers for two projects that I’m planning for next year. One is an STC Working Group. The other is to produce a video and BAC Talk article of a donut change.The STC Working Group might tackle one or more of a variety of projects. These might include wheel pants, flap/aileron gap seals, engine conversions, mogas STC, other speed mods, not sure what else. We would need people with various skills and talents: engineering, fabrication, knowledge of FAA regulations and procedures, technical documentation, drafting, photography, not sure what else.

For the donut change I’m planning to change the donuts on Minnie some time after the first of the year. I think are all original 1963 except one set so Minnie’s 27 previous owners and I have gotten our money’s worth. Bob Steward will do the donut change and give his insights into the procedure. AEC, the manufacturer of the PMA donuts, may also participate in this venture. I’m also planning to do an article for the BAC Talk on the donut change. I’ll need help photographing (video and digital camera) the process. May also need help with audio and lighting. The video will be made available to BAC members.

If you have interest in participating in either or both of these projects e-mail me at cloydvanhook@yahoo.com and let me know what you can contribute.

Cloyd Van Hook

President, BAC