Home | UPDATE: Arlington Fly-in-BAC Type club Tent & AIRPORT WEBCAM VIEWS

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UPDATE: Arlington Fly-in-BAC Type club Tent & AIRPORT WEBCAM VIEWS

<July 8th – 12th at Arlington Washington

*****Arlington EAA Website*****

The 25 page Arlington EAA Fly-in NOTAM for 2009 contains complete details as to approach procedures, VFR & IFR arrivals, Diagrams, Photos & more. It is a MUST READ for all who plan on attending. They have their own ATC and arrival special procedures need to be followed by all!

See clarification on procedures here

Arlington is less than 1 week away, and we have been invited to have a type club table in the big (main) tent!
This would be the FIRST EVER Beech Aero Club Type Tent at this west coast “Oshkosh” type event!

This would mean fantastic exposure for BAC!
The executive committee has OK’d the registration fee (reduced for us) and so now… the planning has to hit high gear real quick, since the administration at Arlington want to be able to put the BAC info on their website!
This would be GREAT publicity for BAC, and so we are putting out an urgent call for volunteers to man the tables.

In the discussion forums, there is a topic about this Fly-in, and we would greatly appreciate any and all members even thinking of attending to please reply in the topic so we can plan as needed.

We need to know as soon as possible anyone who would be willing to help out. Free admission will be provided for all table volunteers. In the past, we have asked for a two hour shift from as many as possible, as often as possible. It is a five day event that requires our booth to be manned Wed 7/8 through Sat 7/10 from 9am to 5pm and on Sunday 7/11 from 9 to 3. So lots of help is needed.

PLEASE, help us out…… this will be breaking new ground for BAC, but ground that will no doubt go a long way in promoting our great club.
So far we have :

Wednesday July 8th

  • 9-11…….Chris Linderman
  • 11-1……..Marty Vanover
  • 1-3………Chris Linderman
  • 3-5……….Jack Becker
  • Thursday July 9th

  • 9-11……Thom Smith
  • 11-1……Chris Linderman
  • 1-3……..Chris Linderman
  • 3-5……..Ben Auker
  • Friday July 10th

  • 9-11…….Chris Linderman
  • 11-1…….Ben Auker
  • 1-3………Thom Smith
  • 3-5………Marty Vanover
  • Saturday July 11th

  • 9-11……..Ben Auker
  • 11-1……..John Radysh
  • 1-3………Thom Smith
  • 3-5……….Mick Nordeen
  • Sunday July 12th

  • 9-11……Ben Auker
  • 11-1……Thom Smith
  • 1-3…….John Radysh
  • There are no slots that need filled, but those times that are scheduled (above) can be changed around to accomodate anyone that wishes to volunteer. I would be better if we could spread the joy, so to speak, but we have to have commitments in order to make this happen.
    This should be a lot of fun, and a great leap for the Beech Aero Club!!

    We are planning a BAC dinner for all the volunteers (and really anyone that wants), probably Friday or Saturday evening….BAC will be picking up the tab! So we’d want to be conservative.
    We are wondering what sort of eats we want to reserve. I, personally, am really happy with the service/quality and overall experience of the Skagit River Brewery in Mt Vernon. Besides some great beer brewed on site, the food is A-1. Atmosphere is really great too. It’s a local hangout, so the prices are not that bad.
    Check it out: Skagit River Brewery Website
    And a couple of suggestions by Marty:
    Bistro San Martin Website

    Mirkwood & Shire Cafe Website

    Marty has stepped up so’s to research other eateries, but some input from everyone is welcome. How far do we want to drive? What sort of cuisine? Marty has offered his services as designated driver, so that will be nice to not have to worry about setting that up.

    Less than one week away!

    This just in from Arlington as to the confusion on the arrival procedures:

    Hi Thom,

    Lets take the NOTAM question first. You do not have to fly the green line on page nine. You may fly direct to Green Valley on Friday and Saturday arrivals. All other days you can fly direct to Arlington.

    The majority of our arrivals come from the south up the west side so we put a suggested route for those. Any one can fly direct to Green Valley, be aware that we know traffic can be heavy on the routes depicted in the NOTAM.

    Regarding the passes, if I understand your question correctly you will receive five weekly admission tickets with your vendor booth. There is no charge for camping UNDER the wing of an airplane, but there is a charge for camping in the RV/Tent campground and that is not covered in your booth fee.

    We look forward to having you at Arlington this year and anything we can do to assist you please don’t hesitate to ask.

    For your pilots who will be flying in and camping under the wing we will have “grill stations” available in the aircraft parking areas for them to cook on. This will eliminate the need to bring the ‘grill’ as part of the camping packing. Hopefully save them some weight to take home goodies they may find here.

    Take care,

    Barbara Tolbert
    Executive Director
    Arlington Fly-In

    Here are some web cam shots (real time) that may assist any flying to the event with weather concerns. I have included popular waypoints and airport cams from San Diego to just North of Arlington (KAWO)

    Aviation Disclaimer:
    These web cam images are being provided as a service for pilots to view current airport conditions. It should not take the place of a pilot’s responsibility for obtaining a full, pre-flight weather briefing prior to flight from their local FAA Flight Service Station.

    Arlington Municipal Airport - Looking North
    KAWO Airport Looking North
    Arlington Municipal Airport - Looking East
    KAWO Airport Looking East
    Arlington Municipal Airport - Looking South
    KAWO Airport Looking South
    Arlington Municipal Airport - Looking West
    KAWO Airport Looking West
    Harvey Field
    Harvey Field
    Port Townsend
    Port Townsend
    Fall City - Looking towards Mt. Si
    Fall City Looking towards Mt. Si
    Fall City -- Looking towards Tiger Mountain
    Fall City Looking towards Tiger Mountain
    Fall City -- Looking west towards Union Hill
    Fall City Loking west towards Union Hill
    Concrete - Looking west
    Concrete looking west
    Concrete - Looking north
    Concrete looking north
    Concrete - Looking eest
    Concrete looking east
    Concrete - Looking south
    Concrete looking south
    Bremerton Looking East
    KPWT Looking East
    Windsock View -- Anacortes, WA
    Anacortes, WA Windsock View
    Runway North View -- Anacortes, WA
    Anacortes, WA Runway North View
    Runway South View -- Anacortes, WA
    Anacortes, WA Runway South View
    Gate View -- Anacortes, WA
    Anacortes, WA Gate View
    Rosario Resort
    Rosario Resort
    Eastsound (Looking due south from ORS 16 departure)
    (Looking due south from ORS 16 Departure)
    Smuggler's Villa (NE corner of ORS field)
    Smuggler’s Villa
    (NE corner of ORS field)
    Friday Harbor
    Friday Harbor
    Roche Harbor looking West
    Roche Harbor looking West
    Port Angeles Airport Looking NW                 Click to View
    Fairchild Field, Port Angeles
    Port Angeles Airport (Fairchield Field) Looking West      Click to View
    Fairchild Field, Pt. Angeles
    Looking NE
    Port Angeles Airport (Fairchield Field) Looking NE      Click to View
    Fairchild Field, Pt. Angeles
    Looking W
    Port Angeles Airport (Fairchield Field) Looking S      Click to View
    Fairchild Field, Pt. Angeles
    Looking S
    Abbotsford, BC (Hwy 1 Looking East)
    Abbotsford, BC
    (Hwy 1 Looking East)
    Hope, BC Looking East
    Hope, BC
    Looking East
    Hope, BC Looking West
    Hope, BC
    Looking West
    Auburn Looking North
    Auburn, WA
    Looking North
    Auburn Looking East
    Auburn, WA
    Looking East
    Auburn Looking South
    Auburn, WA
    Looking South
    Auburn Looking West
    Auburn, WA
    Looking West
    Renton, WA
    Skykomish Looking East
    Skykomish, WA
    Looking East
    Skykomish Looking SE
    Skykomish, WA
    Looking SE
    Skykomish Looking South
    Skykomish, WA
    Looking South
    Skykomish Looking West
    Skykomish, WA
    Looking West
    Easton Airport
    Easton, WA
    Wilson Creek Looking North
    Wilson Creek, WA
    Looking North
    Wilson Creek Looking East
    Wilson Creek, WA
    Looking East
    Wilson Creek Looking South
    Wilson Creek, WA
    Looking South
    Wilson Creek Looking West
    Wilson Creek, WA
    Looking West
    Yakima, WA
    Yakima, WA
    Wenatchee, WA (EAT)
    Wenatchee, WA
    (EAT – Pangborn Field)
    Spokane, WA (Felts Field)
    Spokane, WA
    (Felts Field)
    Colville, WA
    Colville, WA
    Olympia Airport - Washington
    Olympia – Washington
    Westport, WA
    Westport, WA
    The Dalles
    The Dalles
    Gorge -- Hood River
    Gorge — Hood River
    Portland Airport
    Portland Airport
    Oregon Coast (Lincoln City)
    Oregon Coast (Lincoln City, OR)
    Astoria Airport looking east
    KAST Looking East
    Siskiyou Summit Looking North
    Siskiyou Summit Looking North
    Siskiyous I-5 Exit 6 Looking North
    Siskiyous I-5 Exit 6 Looking North
    Siskiyou Summit - California Side
    Siskiyou Summit – California Side
    San Carlos, CA - Approach End RWY 12
    San Carlos, CA
    Approach End RWY 12
    San Carlos, CA -- Approach End RWY 30
    San Carlos, CA
    Approach End RWY 30
    Half Moon Bay, CA -- Approach End RWY 30
    Half Moon Bay, CA
    Weed Airport, CA
    Weed Airport, CA
    Pine Mountain Lake, CA
    Pine Mountain Lake, CA
    Columbia, CA (Looking South)
    Columbia, CA
    (Looking South)
    Columbia, CA (Looking West)
    Columbia, CA
    (Looking West)
    Columbia, CA (Looking East)
    Columbia, CA
    (Looking East)
    Columbia, CA (Looking North)
    Columbia, CA
    (Looking North)