>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)


I have added the text of a BAC Private Message sent (by PFS) to four owners within reasonable range of Daytona Beach. I’m a bit embarassed that no one in BAC has been able to help out PFS yet, when they are trying to do this for us. I am willing to help personally with any fuel expense, if that’s a barrier.

We need some fast help, please, from a fellow BAC member. We need a Sport that has the flat-front cowling, meaning 1969 or earlier.Message content from Darren at PFS;

Dear Beech owner,

In case you weren’t aware, Power Flow Systems, Inc. has been working to develop and FAA certify a tuned exhaust for your model Beechcraft with a Lycoming O-320. You can get the background information on this by looking at Beech Aero Club Forum Index » Maintenance » Parts Sources, Suitability, And Airworthiness and viewing the Power Flow Systems Update.

The exhaust we designed and certified to fit didn’t fit, so we have had to do a redesign that we now know will fit 1970 and later aircraft models. However, we would to do a test fit and verification on a pre-1970 model aircraft before we attempt the certification process. If we can verify it fits the 480 or so earlier potential aircraft, we can keep the certification expenses as low as possible; as this ultimately impacts the product of the exhaust system we would be selling.

Based upon your membership information, it appears that your aircraft would be a good one to look at. Would you be interested in helping both us and your fellow Beechcraft owners?

The whole process should take less than a day. No modifications to your aircraft would be done and your aircraft won’t be flown or permanently changed in any way. We would remove your cowling, and carefully remove your exhaust system. We would temporarily install the prototype exhaust system and reinstall your cowling to verify our measurements and obstacle clearances. No modifications to your cowling would be made. If any changes needed to be made to the prototype to fit your aircraft, we would do so immediately and re-fit. When we have finished, your original exhaust would be reinstalled with all new gaskets and exhaust hardware (as required) and your cowling reinstalled for you.

Our facility is at the Daytona Beach, FL Airport (KDAB) – this is a Class C airport and is usually easy to get into and out of. If you were able to arrive here by 10:00 AM, you should be flying out of here by 5:00 PM (we realistically need up to 7 hours to get this done.)

We’ll buy you lunch, give you a tour and show you the process and how we operate.

Ideally, we would like an aircraft to fly into Daytona Beach within the next two weeks. Why does the plane need to come to us? Because we have all of our fixtures, welders, tools and the later model aircraft onsite to compare and modify as necessary.

If you are interested in helping us, but can’t get your plane to us, please let us know and we’ll see if we can work out a plan “B.”

So please consider this and let me know if you are at all interested. Even if you only have the weekend available, please let me know.

You can email me directly at darren@powerflowsystems.com or reply to this message.

Thank you for your time.


Darren Tilman

General Manager

Power Flow Systems, Inc.


Darren at Power Flow has encountered an interference problem between the taller rectangular-filter airbox, and the Power Flow exhaust collector, on the slope-front (1970 and later) Sports. PFS needs to very quickly find out whether there is any conflict on the earlier models (flat-front cowl, oval air intake).

Darren only needs the plane for one day. PFS is located at Daytona Beach, FL. We can help with fuel, if there is anyone within ‘Sporting range’ who can get a plane there ASAP. Can you help?!