Home | Wheel Pants For the 19/23/23-24!

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Wheel Pants For the 19/23/23-24!

At BAC Fest 2007, Robin Thomas displayed his Sundowner with the latest iteration of the articulating wheel pants for our fixed-gear planes. Following some minor tweaking, they will be deciding whether or not to certify and market them.Compared to most of the common aircraft models, the market is very limited for these wheel pants. Robin cannot proceed with certification, manufacture, and sales, without some degree of certainty that the market will be there for them.

In order to proceed beyond this point, Robin needs to receive 50 refundable deposits of $500 each, by March 2008. A DVD is being created that will contain information on the wheel pants and the exhaust system; it will be mailed to all BAC members having a fixed gear model (excepting Skipper owners).

Power Flow has a perfect record when it comes to product performance, and a perfect record on return of deposits when a product is delayed due to any sort of development problem.

Much more on this later. For those of you who missed BAC Fest 2007, but have a definite interest in the unique wheel pants, please contact PFS/Robin Thomas regarding the deposit form.

And just as a word to the wise- if we fail to support our partners who develop STCs and PMA’d parts, they will no longer be there for us.