>>> COMING UP:  BACFest 2024 - Sep 18-22

Frequently Asked Questions

Bylaws and ArticlesClub Info

Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation

The club Articles of Incorporation are available at: Articles of Incorporation The club Bylaws are available at: Beech Aero Club Bylaws – Amended 19-02-2020
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2020 Beech Aero Club Election Results!

At the call of the President, Nominations for the Executive Vice President position and Board of Director positions for the 2 year term 2021/2022 were…
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The 2020 Nominations and Elections are here !!!

At the call of the President, Nominations for Board of Director positions for the 2 year term 2021/2022 are now open! Election time is upon…
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Fly in FOK Long Island, NY 11/14/2020 11am ET

The fly in at FOK Gabreski airport is a go. 11AM on Sat 11/14 is forecast to have blue skies and Cafe Volo in the…
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Website Updates – Downtime on Wednesday 11/11

Work is continuing on the final stages of the new website as well as efforts to bring some updated content to the current site. Meanwhile,…
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NOTICE of the Beech Aero Club Annual General Meeting 2020

Members, Please find attached the link to the Beech Aero Club Annual General Meeting 2020 (online). Saturday 17 October, 2020 1200hrs, Pacific Time 1300hrs Mountain…
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Behind the scenes at BAC 9/16/20

You might be interested in how this club operates. Volunteers is the answer. During the monthly BAC Board of Directors meeting on September 16th it…
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