>>> COMING UP:  BACFest 2024 - Sep 18-22

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Archived Articles from Old SiteMaintenanceNews & Articles

New Fuel Selector Valves From AECI – Golden Opportunity

Did a previous owner fail to replace the old brass Imperial Fuel Selctor Valve, when it was an affordable option? You don’t get do-over chances…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Getting to Know You… getting to know….

Well, you know the rest. Here are a few interesting tidbits from you, our members. 63% of you have your instrument ticket, congrats! About 25%…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

SPOT Update

After my SPOT review was posted (3 days later to be exact), I received an email and phone call from their VP of Development. They…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles

PT Points for Sun-n-Fun

If you flew to SNF send your PT points to me at cloyd@beechaeroclub.orgThey’re figured by the nm between airports where you took off or landed…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteMaintenanceNews & Articles

Mark Gooderum Appointed Technical Director

The BAC Board has appointed Mark Gooderum to the position of Technical Director. Mark will fill the vacancy created by Ashley Palmer’s resignation.We look forward…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

A Look at the new SPOT Satellite Messenger

SPOT is a new product that is being marketed to the aviation community www.findmespot.com Some people have even suggested it as possible alternative to a…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles


Just an update on the Fly-In at Barnes, Westfield, MA (KBAF)Long range weather shows rain for the 12th…this means nothing in New England (Wait a…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Spring Cleaning…errr, I mean updating!

The April edition of our monthly e-newsletter BACFire! was just sent. Hopefully it was somewhat informative and interesting. The last couple of months there has…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles

2008 President’s Trophy Standings

Last Update: Dec 22 Here are the current standings for the 2008 President’s Trophy. You can view the rules here. Total 8A6 34A KHEF KLAL…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Technical Director Vacancy

Ashley Palmer has resigned her position of Technical Director. Due to the demands of a new job and relocation she is unable to continue in…
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