>>> COMING UP:  BACFest 2024 - Sep 18-22

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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Feel of the Sierra and the 200 Hp Mouse (Follow-Up)

Three people have asked me the same thing, nice articles but how do the two airplanes feel? This is a follow-up to the differences in…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Differences Between 200Hp Mouse and Sierra

I owned a 200hp Musketeer (A23-24) for 5 years and I now have about 20 hours in my 1975 Sierra (B24R). Many people have asked…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteMaintenanceNews & Articles

Temporary Discount – High-Dollar Parts Availability

I have temporary access to a few new high-dollar parts. I can’t afford to stock them, and (for a number of reasons) I don’t think…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC and User Fees…what you can do! Act NOW!

As a group we’ve been pretty quiet about the debate in Washington concerning user fees. Like most people sometimes I’m too busy, confused or just…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles

Southeast on the move…

The Southeast region is continuing on the fly-in feasts. For the next few weeks we have Big Sandy Regional on the 26th, Lulu’s on the…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles

BAC North Central Fly-in / EAA Rocky Mountain Regional Airshow update:

We hope to see as many BAC members (from any region!) as possible at the BAC fly-in during the EAA Regional event on June Friday…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Orange County Fly-In

Hey Northeasters…we’re going to be flying the BAC flag in Orange County, NY on June 9. C’MON DOWN! Or up, or over, whatever. Just come!…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles

2007 President’s Trophy Race is Getting Interesting

This year’s President’s Trophy race is getting really interesting. We aren’t even all the way through May and already 28 members have racked up points…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteNews & ArticlesWebsite

Did You Know? – Email Notifications in Discussion Forums

Did you know that you can receive a notification via email whenever anyone posts a reply to a topic you have participated in within the…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC Membership Growth

I thought I’d give a little history of BAC’s membership growth. BAC is less than three years old having been formally incorporated on July 4,…
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