>>> COMING UP:  BACFest 2024 - Sep 18-22

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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Election Results

Here are the election results for the 2006 Election. A big thanks to everyone who agreed to run! President Cloyd Van Hook Vice President Chris…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles


TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE! The polls close this evening so take a minute or two and VOTE right now! To be a…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC Election: Polls are Now Open

The polls are now open! To vote, proceed to the ballot page and cast your vote. The polls will remain open through December 15.
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News & ArticlesReviews

S-TEC System 55X Autopilot

First, I would like to say that I concur with Dave Snodgrass on Mid-America Avionics, they are first class. I had an S-TEC 55X installed…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

The latest BAC Talk issue is hot off the press. CLICK HERE to download or read it online… or roll over the BAC Info link…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC Elections – Elections Committee Nominations

Per Article IX, Section 1 of the bylaws, the Elections Committee will now present the list of candidates nominated for the office of President, Vice-President,…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteFly-InsNews & Articles

Rellihan Holds Onto First Place in PT Race

Mike Rellihan has a strong hold on first place in the PT race for 2006 after logging 530 nm on the way to Gaston’s. Dean…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteMaintenanceNews & Articles

Savvy Owners Seminar – Mike Busch – 2007 Schedule

I have pasted in the SOS schedule for 2007 (in the extended text). I have not been successful in arranging for an abbreviated version for…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC Membership Drive Campaign

The membership drive committee has been formed and we plan to get down to the nitty-gritty straight away. The committee consists of Doug Muse, Steve…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Chris Linderman Named to Head Membership Committee

Chris Linderman has been named to head the Membership Committe for BAC. Chris will be looking for ideas and people to help out. In a…
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