>>> COMING UP:  BACFest 2024 - Sep 18-22

Archived Articles from Old Site

Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Steve Cote New NE Regional Director

The BAC Board has appointed Steve Cote to be the interim Regional Director to serve the remainder of the unexpired term of Brian Foote.Brian has…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Phil Boyer and BAC Aircaft

In early September my wife had a business trip to Washington, D.C. I tagged along because my brother lives in the area and it had…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteMaintenanceNews & Articles

Sierra Drivers – Nose Gear Downlock Alert

There have now been at least two instances in which evidence is conclusive that: An incorrect or out-of-spec spring was present in the nose gear…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Last Call for BAC Logo Shirts

I want to place an order in time to have shirts for Gaston’s (11/4) so I’ll take orders up to this Friday (10/6). I’ll do…
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News & ArticlesReviews

Garmin 300XL TSO GPS/COM

We went shopping for an IFR GPS last winter and settled on the Garmin 300XL TSO GPS/COM for a couple of reasons: IFR Certified GPS…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteBAC FestNews & Articles

BAC Fest Survey

We would like to hear feedback from you about our annual convention, BAC Fest. Regardless if you attended this year or not, we would like…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

Duchess Weight And Balance Spreadsheet

New Duchess W&B spreadsheet available for download on BAC (Technical/Downloads/Flight Planning), courtesy of member Philippe Davy. The primary data points must be updated for each…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC Elections Are Coming Up

Elections for all officers and directors will be held this fall. The elections will be held as provided in the Bylaws. The applicable Article reads…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

BAC Logo Shirts

Some of you have asked if I’ll be ordering BAC logo shirts again. Some want them in time for Gaston’s (11/4). If I get a…
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Archived Articles from Old SiteGeneralNews & Articles

New Sleep Apnea test for Pilots

Hi all! I’m so relieved that I passed my ‘Maintenance of Wakefullness Test’ last week so I can get back to flying. For those of…
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