Home | BAC "10th Anniversary Celebration & Beech Plant Tour" Fly-In

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BAC "10th Anniversary Celebration & Beech Plant Tour" Fly-In

Beech Aero Club Tenth Anniversary Celebration Fly-In Wichita, Kansas June 19–22, 2014Registration has now closed for the event.The registration fee is $55 per person and may be paid using a credit card through PayPal. If you prefer to mail a check, please make it payable to BAC and mail to: Beech Aero Club P.O. Box 1764 Alexander City, AL 35011 Following the Textron purchase of Beechcraft, it has become necessary to change the dates for the tenth anniversary fly-in. The Beech Factory will now be closed both the first and second weeks of July. After coordinating with Beech and the Marriott, the dates have shifted to three weeks sooner, June 19-22. So come celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of Beech Aero Club. We are returning to Wichita, KS, site of the inaugural BACFest, and the headquarters hotel will be the Wichita Marriott, located within walking distance of Beech Factory Airport (KBEC). Jabara airport (KAAO), non-towered and located three miles north of KBEC, will be the host airport for BAC TAC. KBEC is unable to host us this year, but they will allow us to fly in on the day of the tour, Friday June 20. Following the tour, it will be necessary to return our planes to KAAO. A plated banquet dinner is planned for Friday night at the Marriott, complete with a birthday cake and champagne toast to celebrate the occasion. A cash bar will be available. To reserve your place for the factory tour and the banquet, registration and payment of the registration fee of $55 per person must be received prior to June 10, 2014. The attendance list will be updated as payments are received. Details for making payments will be completed and announced by mid-April. A block of rooms has been contracted at the Wichita Marriott. The group rate will be $103 plus tax. Reservations may be made by calling the Wichita Marriott direct at (316) 651-0333 (316) 651-0333 or by using this link: Book your group rate: Beech Aero Club >> If you call, be sure to mention you are with the Beech Aero Club June 2014 group to receive the reduced rate. The deadline for booking a room at the group rate is June 4. During our stay, we will have a hospitality suite for gathering and sharing our favorite beverages. Everyone is requested to bring some wine, liquor or beer that highlights their home area and share it with your fellow BACers. Mixers and light snacks will be provided in the suite on Thursday evening, June 19. Additional activities will be scheduled once we get there, including dinner at nearby restaurants for early arrivals on Wednesday and Thursday. The Beaumont Hotel restaurant is located on a 2400’ grass strip (07S) 33 miles east of Jabara airport and is a potential Saturday afternoon fly-out for lunch. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the Beech Aero Club Tenth Anniversary Celebration (BAC TAC) on June 19-22, 2014.Call Send SMS Add to Skype You’ll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

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