BAC @ Arlington 2011July 6-10
Well it’s time to start planning once more……. and this year we need some special help.
For the latest chatter, or to leave a post,
here’s a link to the Forum thread
We have gotten enough commitment from BAC members to participate, that we made the commitment to the staff at Arlington.
In years past I have pretty much ran all the leg work as well as manning the booth at least parts of all 5 days of the fly in.
This year, that will not be possible. I am committed to be out of the state on the 8th – 10th and am hoping (read: begging) to get someone to step up and sort of run the show for the BAC booth.
Our own flying Dutchman, Marty Vanover has stepped up to the plate and has already expressed some great ideas and thoughts. Please stay tuned to the forum thread on Arlington for the latest updated and for putting your name on the list for volunteering to man the booth for a while
Your help and efforts in this regard are well worth the effort. The rewards will be a GREAT dinner event,

on BAC’s nickel, Free admission for the first 5 members for all five days, that sign up, as well as making new friends or re-connecting with old ones. Your memories of the event will certainly be pleasant ones!
I will be doing all the leg work, including the gathering/scheduling of volunteers and making all the arrangements with the Arlington staff, but we need to move RIGHT AWAY!
They have been gracious enough to continue their “special” deal with us as far as the booth fee goes…. And the Executive committee feels (as do I) that it would be a shame to lose the momentum we have produced thus far by our presence.
This is a call to action, preliminary as it may be, and we have now committed with the staff there.
PLEASE examine your circumstancesand see if you can’t make room in your schedule to step up to the bat. I would consider it a pleasure to help all the way till the last possible moment, in any way I can!
Please email me at thom@beechaeroclub.org with any questions or volunteer offers.
OR you can leave questions and opinions in this thread.
and here’s a link
to help those “weather watchers” for the weather cams along the route
RED indicates 5 FREE ADMISSION recipients
- 9-11 – OPEN
- 11-1 – Mark Hoskins
- 1-3 – Jack & Robin Becker
- 3-5 – Jack& Robin Becker
- 9-11 – Marty Vanover
- 11-1 – Mark Hoskins
- 1-3 – OPEN
- 3-5 – Jon Krane
- 9-11 – Marty Vanover
- 11-1 – John Radysh (depending if he’s in jail or not)
- 1-3 – Mark Hoskins
- 3-5 – Jon Krane
- 9-11 – Mark Hoskins
- 11-1 – John Radysh (depending if he’s in jail or not)
- 1-3 – Marty Vanover
- 3-5 – Keaton Surratt
- 9-11 – Marty Vanover
- 11-1 – Mark Hoskins
- 1-3 – Keaton Surratt