Home | BAC Finds Fulton County a Great Fly In Destination

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

BAC Finds Fulton County a Great Fly In Destination

The welcoming Committee traveled for three hours to meet the BAC members on May 7. The Welcoming Committee did not want to do it but they/he did! The committee was the Airboss of New York and fly in host Scott Brunner and he had to drive to the fly in as his plane was in mid-annual.

An examination of documents will determined if Tom Corcoran or Carlos Vares flew the furthest. Both claimed 151 miles from different airports. Both had to dodge thunderstorms on the flight back east from NY0 to Tom’s 1B9 base in Mansfield, Massachusetts and Carlos’ base at Providence, Rhode Island.

Prettiest plane award was tied as Glenn Castner’s Sierra is spectacular to look at but it was equalled by the recent wash and wax job by Bud Kalinski helping Mike DeSantis make his Sundowner sparkle.

The restaurant had a special breakfast planned for us and some local pilots gave an airport tour. Seems that this is the world base for restoration of Cessna 195’s and we were treated to a peek or two at six excellent examples which looked brand new for 1947.

Nearest TRACON is Albany, New York and they were most helpful.

Next BAC fly in in the Northeast Region is hosted by Airboss Ron Cribbie at Laconia, New Hampshire for motorcycle week on June 11; then it’s a week later for a pancake breakfast at Rutland hosted by Vermont’s Airboss Larry Perry.

Northeast pilots are having tons of fun with their airplanes… when they are not being annualled!

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