Home | BAC Picnic on the Flightline at Oshkosh Airventure Tuesday, July 26

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BAC Picnic on the Flightline at Oshkosh Airventure Tuesday, July 26

Join us for the fourth annual BAC Picnic on the Flightline at the Larry and Debbie Last residence adjacent to the Oshkosh airport. Rules are the same as previous years – send a $10 deposit per person to the address below. You can also pay at the picnic, but it will cost $15 per person. Please get your checks to me by July 15th so we can let the caterer know the head count. If you are a no-show, your deposit will forfeited and used toward picnic expenses. The picnic will be catered again this year with burgers, brats, chicken, corn on the cob, and baked beans, as well as beer and soft drinks. There will also be an on-demand shuttle from the AirVenture grounds to and from the picnic.

For a map of the Grounds and Larry’s address, go to Downloads, then Articles and you will see an entry for the BAC Picnic, which has Larry’s address and a PDF map of the AirVenture gates. The on-demand shuttle (BAC-mobile) will pick you up at Gate E01. If you need directions, mention that this is the same gate used for buses to the seaplane base. There will be a sign posted at the gate with the number to call for the shuttle. If we get the same lady at the gate as we had the last three years, she is familiar with the process and very helpful!!

Larry’s address for you drivers:

3827 Red Oak Court
Oshkosh, WI

The shuttle (BACmobile) will start at 1:00 and the caterer will start serving at 2:30.

Please get your checks to me by July 16th so we can let the caterer know the head count.

Send $10 per guest to:

Robert Schmidt
2837 Meadow Lane
Hartland, WI 53029

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