Home | BAC Was At the Boston Marathon April 21st

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BAC Was At the Boston Marathon April 21st

BAC was there for the 118th Boston Marathon.
The flying portion over Hopkinton, Massachusetts was busy, busy, busy especially at the start of the Elite Men at 10am. Fixed wings had to stay tight to 1400′ to avoid the helicopters below at 900′ and the others at 2,000′. About five banner-tows were in the “round”. Four Blackhawk helicopters flew formation down the entire course at 1000′ and added to the eclectic mix. There were a couple of “bandits”, that is pilots who never got the briefing, who flew at wrong altitudes and off the agreed frequency.

BAC member Wayne Hansen settles in at Wellesley

Wayne Hansen and Tom Corcoran not tired at all from watching

The second portion of the BAC event was a van ride from nearby Norwood (KOWD) Airport to Wellesley to sit and watch the runners go by from course-side seats. That’s what the sandwiches were for. Timing was perfect to see all the runners from the air and then again from the ground. Not all runners made it to the BAC seating area which was one half mile past the halfway point on the 26 mile route.

Original posting:
There will be NO TFR over the Boston Marathon and our BAC fly-in will be in effect. If you want to participate by also watching the Marathon from the halfway point you can get a ride from Norwood – KOWD – if you land by 10:30am. Call Tom Corcoran at his cell number found at the end of this notice.
Summary: You fly over the race, then drive to the race, eat the sandwich you brought, then get a ride back to your plane.

Below is the official FAA notice. The BAC notice follows:

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

Boston Marathon 2014
Notice Number: NOTC5283

The running of the 118th Boston Marathon will take place on Monday, April 21, 2014 from 1300 to 2030 UTC. The course runs from the Boston VOR (BOS) 268 radial at25 DME to the BOS VOR 278 Radial at 5DME. This area underlies Airways V1-419 and V292. The area is under and within Boston Class B Airspace. Be aware of news, event and banner tow operations that will be operating in the vicinity at altitudes at and below 2000’ MSL.




News, event and banner tow operations in the area are asked for monitoring and coordinating on Multicomm, 122.90.

Helicopter Air to Air is 123.025

Airplane Air to Air is 122.75

For more information please visit the Lexington/Boston FSDO website and click on the “Boston Marathon Information” link. The Lexington/Boston FSDO website is located at

For questions or comments about this notice, contact the individual listed below.
Contact person: Matthew A. Leeser
Contact info: 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 781-238-7531 BAC
Arrive over Hopkinton, Massachusetts by 9:45am to see the start of the race.
This will be the biggest group of runners ever (25,000+).
Fly at 1400′ MSL and join the round turning counterclockwise.
Helicopters will be below you at 900′ and more above you at 2500′.
Watch out for the banners being towed all around you.
Watch out for the military fly-by at 9:50am.
Talk to other participating aircraft on multicom 122.9.

After about 30 minutes proceed to Norwood Airport (KOWD) and get in the van to ride to Wellesley on the racecourse to see the leaders run by. A sandwich lunch is traditional on the roadside in Wellesley.

This is unique to Boston and a lot of fun to see and participate in.

Tom Corcoran 781 843-4321 781 843-4321 781 843-4321 781 843-4321 781 843-4321 781 843-4321Call
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