Home | BAC Weekend 2020

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BAC Weekend 2020

How Many Planes Can We Get In The Air On The Same Weekend?

In 2013 Tom Robertson (TOMTERRIFIC) suggested:
I propose we schedule a BAC [weekend] Day. This day would be set aside by members for the purpose of taking our Beeches for a flight. Flights can be for 5 minutes or an all day affair. On subsequent days we would write our experiences to a forum here for everyone to see. How many of our aircraft can get into the air in one day?
So, what do you think?
Today, I don’t find a record of how many of our planes took to the air on previous days like this. . However, it seems like a fun thing to do again.

So, I have arbitrarily picked the Saturday August 22, 2020 and Sunday August 23, 2020 for our event. To qualify fly your plane anywhere for any length of time on that weekend. Report that you flew on this thread. Only a short message like “N1234X flew on BAC Weekend” is necessary… or, if you like, write more detail including where and how high etc. Maybe try skywriting that day.

Wherever you are in the world BAC Weekend begins at local sunrise on August 22 and ends at local sunrise on August 24. If you can only go to the airport and touch your plane because of crappy weather we may later decide to count that.

Good luck. Any other ideas are welcome. Tom Corcoran

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