Home | BACFest 2011..FINALLY in the Northeast!

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BACFest 2011..FINALLY in the Northeast!

The Iroquois and Mohawk peoples tell of when the Great Spirit reached down and ran his fingers through the land that pleased him most. Those great gouges filled with clear water and became The Finger Lakes. If upstate New York was good enough for the Great Spirit, it should do wonderfully for BAC!

BACFest 2011 will be held in Ithaca, NY on Sept 29th – Oct 1.

Our Annual Business Meeting and International confab will be based at the Clarion University Executive Conference Center on 1 Sheraton Dr, Ithaca.

The hotel is just about a mile from Ithaca Thompkins Airport (KITH) which will be our aerial hub. http://www.airnav.com/airport/KITH

There, we will be hosted by Taughannock Aviation. http://www.flytac.com/services/ithaca-fbo-services

What is there to do in the “Frozen Northeast”?? Well, ‘taint yet frozen then! In fact we expect to still have much of that glorious foliage color for which the Northeast is famous. And Upstate New York is an entirely different planet from New York City. They call it the Empire State and each section is unique and exciting.

Ithaca is, of course, home to Cornell University, Ithaca College, and Empire State College. You know that college towns can be lively places. And there in Ithaca (“High above Cayuga’s waters…”) there is a view to match.

For those of you who are pondering attending AOPA’s Summit in Hartford (Sept 22-24), may I suggest that you crown your vacation time with an aviation fix at both ends. Go to Hartford and enjoy the glitz and pomp of AOPA. Then, on the way home, come on up to BACFest and reestablish where your aviation roots really are…among us mere mortals who are privileged to drive Mice! It’s a lazy hour and half flight between the two, over some of the most spectacular scenery in the east.

More to come as we develop things. Including program notes as we lock them in, and reservation info at the Clarion and for BACFest itself. But pencil in…naww scratch that…use a PEN to mark off that last weekend in September for BACFEST 2011!

Be there! Aloha

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