Home | BACFest 2012 Agenda

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BACFest 2012 Agenda

Gulf Shores here we come! Here’s the agenda for BACFest.
First and foremost, all events are comfortable, casual dress. The banquet Saturday evening is a bit more business casual and short sleeves or polo shirts are fine, but short pants and flip flops probably not.

A word about cancellations. The registration fee is structured to cover the food and beverage each person will likely consume during the long weekend. All food must be guaranteed 10 days in advance of the first event, so this year, final orders will be placed on September 18. If you know your plans have changed, cancellations and refund requests must be made by September 18. After that your registration fee will be committed to the hotel. Cancellations may be emailed to me at: bmitchell@aaep.org

Registration desk – please check with the hotel desk for the location and times for the BAC registration desk. When you pick up your name badge each person will receive 5 drink tickets to be used at the hosted bars at the reception, luncheon and banquet. Bartenders at the hosted bars won’t be able to accept cash, so additional drink tickets will be available for purchase. The hotel lounge will accept cash or room charges, but won’t accept the BAC drink tickets.

Thursday, September 27
6:30pm – optional dinner at Lambert’s Cafe. Plan to leave from the hotel lobby at 6pm. Although Lambert’s does not have private dining areas, they are going to try and group us as close together as possible. Most of their tables will seat at least 6 people. Note: Lambert’s does not accept credit cards, so be sure to bring cash or a check. Most meals are in the $10-$20 range.

Friday, September 289am-11am – Sierra Landing Gear Clinic at Jack Edwards Airport (KJKA). Meet in the Gulf Air Center FBO by 8:45am. We expect to be in the hangar adjacent to the FBO.

Noon-5:30pm – optional Naval Aviation Museum tour. We will depart from the hotel lobby at noon. It’s less than a 30 minute drive to the museum in Pensacola. Tour the Museum at your leisure and plan to return to the hotel by 5:30pm. Several people have indicated they will be renting cars, so we will solicit volunteers to help transport the group to the Museum. Anyone driving 3 or more attendees to the Museum will receive a mileage reimbursement. Just a note, one of the more recognized Naval aviators was Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. Sadly Neil recently passed away.

6pm-7pm – Welcome reception at the hotel. This will be held in the Conference Center in Meeting Room B. A hosted bar with hot and cold hors d’oeuvres will be available. Dinner on your own afterwards.

Saturday, September 29Noon-1pm – Luncheons at the hotel. The buffet and hosted bar will be in the Conference Center with the Member luncheon being held in Meeting Room B and the Spouse luncheon being held in Meeting Room A.

1pm-3pm – General Membership meeting immediately following the luncheon in Meeting Room B.

4pm-5pm – Parts swap & sell at Jack Edwards airport. Plan to meet at the airport between the luncheon and the banquet.

6pm-10pm – Banquet at the hotel. The buffet and hosted bar will be in the Conference Center and the banquet will be held in Meeting Room B.

If anyone has special dietary requirements, please let me know by September 18 so arrangements can be made with the caterer. Email me at: bmitchell@aaep.org

Sunday, September 30Departures

See you in Gulf Shores!

Brad Mitchell

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